Stay Protected This Winter with the Mission Darkness Faraday Wearables

Staying warm is on everyone’s mind during winter, and when it comes to keeping your head warm, there’s nothing more comforting than a nice beanie or cap. But there’s another reason to consider wearing warm winter headwear – protecting yourself from electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation at the same time.

Here at Custodi, we’ve been selling the Mission Darkness Faraday Beanie and Cap for a couple of years now. These are two innovative advanced Faraday products designed to both shield you from the pervasive EMF radiation present in our daily lives and keep your noggin warm.

Is there a real benefit from wearing Faraday-based head wear? We think so, and so do many of our customers who have invested in them.

The Benefits of EMF Protection Wearables

Living in a tech-saturated world, increasing exposure to EMF radiation has become unavoidable, especially for city dwellers. The Mission Darkness™ Faraday Beanie and Cap are not just about keeping warm, but about enhancing your well-being by reducing your exposure to EMF radiation.

One of our customers recently shared his experience with our products, providing a compelling testimonial that highlights the tangible benefits he’s enjoyed since incorporating the Mission Darkness™ wearables into his daily life.

Feeling Lighter and Reducing Pressure – “I started wearing the cap the same day I received it and noticed that after some hours I felt lighter, a reduced or release of pressure in my head. A difficult feeling to describe, but it felt as though a slight weight was lifted which I previously had. I have been experiencing fairly frequent light headaches and a constant feeling of what I’d call a minor sense of nausea. Since wearing the cap, I have not experienced the feeling of pressure, nor do I experience the slight headaches that would happen cumulatively over time.”

Of course, wearing a beanie during the day can provide immediate benefits. But if you are experiencing headaches or or other symptoms in your head from EMF exposure, you can also wear the Beanie while you sleep at night.

Can wearing Faraday headwear improve your sleep quality? This is the feedback we received from this same customer when he started wearing his beanie at night – “At this point I decided I would try something new, wearing the beanie to bed for 3-5 nights to see if it did anything to aid my sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I realised I didn’t feel as tired as I would usually feel… It kind of felt like a release or sense of homeostasis, and for whatever reason I noticed I just felt different in a good way.”

Research Confirms the Dangers of EMF/RF Radiation

Our happy customer experienced improvements across a number of areas – but can this be backed by scientific research?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation, commonly emitted by devices such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other wireless technologies, have raised concerns regarding their potential effects on the brain. Research indicates that exposure to EMFs and RF radiation can lead to various biological effects. Some studies suggest that prolonged exposure to high levels of EMFs may influence brain activity, potentially leading to changes in brain wave patterns, cognitive function, and sleep quality.

For instance, certain frequencies might alter neuronal excitability or impact neurotransmitter release, thereby affecting cognitive processes such as memory, attention, and learning. This is particularly important for children, as they have a significantly thinner skull and therefore become more susceptible to the negative biological effects of EMF/RF radiation.

There are several studies that have investigated the specific and measurable effects of EMFs and RF radiation on the brain. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Changes in Brain Activity: Volkow et al. (2011) – Effects of cell phone radiofrequency signal exposure on brain glucose metabolism found that cell phone exposure can affect brain activity. The researchers observed increased glucose metabolism in regions of the brain closest to the antenna during a 50-minute cell phone call, indicating that the brain is sensitive to the effects of RF-EMFs at certain exposure levels .
  2. Sleep Disturbances: Another study by Loughran et al. (2012) The effect of electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones on human sleep showed that exposure to RF-EMFs can impact sleep. Participants exposed to RF-EMF emissions from mobile phones exhibited altered EEG patterns during sleep, specifically a reduction in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is crucial for cognitive functions and overall brain health .
  3. Cognitive Function and Memory: Research by Nittby et al. (2008) Cognitive impairment in rats after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation demonstrated that long-term exposure to low-level RF-EMFs could have effects on cognitive functions. Their animal study showed that rats exposed to RF radiation displayed memory deficits and changes in brain structure, such as increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier .

These studies provide evidence that EMF and RF radiation exposure can have specific and measurable effects on brain activity, sleep patterns, and cognitive functions. Many more studies have been, and are currently being, undertaken to try and get a better understanding of how these pervasive EMF/RF fields can affect us.

We suggest employing an abundance of caution and mitigation techniques, such as a Beanie or Hat for head protection, when around these EMF/RF transmitters

Confidence in a High-Tech World

One thing is certain – we will see higher and higher concentrations of RF emitters in our environment – have you noticed just how many 5G towers have popped up, especially in our main cities? The relentless march of technology will result in ever higher levels of EMF in the world we live in. More people are become sensitive, and we will have to adapt and employ solutions that protect us from this environmental toxin we call EMF.

We will leave you with one final observation from our customer – “I just can’t help but feel that the cap and beanie have contributed to my positive experience. I have always kept them close by and usually wear the cap if I’m going for a walk in the park where I live in Auckland, as it is now dwarfed by the fairly recent 5G towers installed there.”

We can’t help but wholeheartedly agree!

Why Choose Mission Darkness™?

The Mission Darkness™ Faraday Beanie and Cap are designed with advanced EMF Shielding Technology. They provide a layer of protection against the EMF radiation emitted by everyday devices and infrastructure, including cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and cell towers. And as our customer eloquently puts it:

“Overall, I am very happy with the cap, beanie and phone pouch, and as we move into the future of expected higher levels of radiation with current and future generations of wireless technology such as 6G and beyond, feeling confident and equipped to tackle the consequences of big tech technology and that I have something to help protect my body.”

You Can Experience the Difference Too!

This winter, don’t just keep warm—stay protected. The Mission Darkness™ Faraday Beanie and Cap are perfect for anyone looking to reduce their EMF exposure while enjoying the comfort and style of high-quality headwear. Whether you’re at home, at work, or out for a walk, these innovative products offer peace of mind in an increasingly wireless world.

Visit our online store today to learn more about the Mission Darkness Faraday Beanie and Cap, and learn more about EMF Wearables. Equip yourself for a healthier, safer winter season with our EMF Wearables.

Mission Darkness™ Wearables are Manufactured to the Highest Standards

The TitanRF™ Flex Faraday Fabric lining the beanies and hats has been tested and certified to confirm shielding effectiveness standard IEEE 299-2006. The shielding effectiveness test was conducted by Keystone Compliance in the USA, a full-service regulatory compliance laboratory offering solutions for nearly all EMC/EMI, environmental, ISTA-certified package and ingress protection testing requirements.

IEEE 299-2006 is the standard test method for measuring the effectiveness of electromagnetic shielding enclosures and materials. The TitanRF™ Flex Faraday Fabric is advertised as a material that can be used to block the frequency range most mobile devices and electronics transmit/operate within. To provide validation for this claim, the shielding effectiveness test measured how well the fabric shields frequencies between 1.5GHz to 40GHz. The positive test results provides authentication of its shielding abilities.

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